Welcome to 4bridges – Web3-Community rooted in St. Gallen! In this blog post, we’re excited to introduce you to our crypto exchange, 4cash, where the world of crypto trading comes to life.


Buying or selling crypto has never been easier than with 4cash. Our crypto exchange, 4cash, is designed to simplify the trading of Bitcoin and Altcoins. The user interface is intuitive and user-friendly, making it easy for beginners to dive into the world of cryptocurrencies without any hassle.


Amidst the multitude of crypto exchanges, 4cash stands out for two crucial factors: security and Swiss regulation. Switzerland has established itself as a financial hub with strict security standards, and 4cash upholds this standard. 4bridges ensures the protection of your compliance data in Switzerland.


Regulation by Swiss authorities gives you the assurance that you are trading on 4cash in a secure and regulated environment. In comparison to other crypto exchanges, this provides a clear advantage, as transparency and transaction security take precedence with us.

Guest Account

We understand that entering the world of cryptocurrencies should not be expensive. That’s why we offer the Guest Account, giving you the opportunity to test our crypto exchange and currency marketplace, 4cash, for free. But that’s not all!

Silver Account

With our Silver Account, opportunities open up for individuals and businesses. The Silver Account offers additional features and benefits compared to the Guest Account, enhancing your crypto experience. From higher limits to the option of third-party payments – 4cash makes trading and handling digital currencies straightforward.

4cash is the marketplace for secure trading of FIAT- and Cryptocurrencies for individuals and businesses. Visit 4cash and experience the future of FIAT- and Cryptocurrency-Trading.

We look forward to welcoming you to our cryptocurrency exchange!

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